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Strategies To Help Your Child Build Resilience

Updated: Jun 2, 2020

childcare north sydney

When your child starts struggling with school, self-esteem and relationship issues with family and friends, it's time you asked yourself what the missing piece is. While it is imperative you teach your child the skills needed to embrace real-world situations, let’s also not forget the roles providers of childcare in North Sydney, Macquarie Park, and other suburbs across Sydney play in this. 

What It Means To Be Resilient

Resilience is your child's ability to overcome and adjust to adversity. When they get past a challenge, they experience a feeling of triumph and develop a sense of achievement. 

Types of challenges could be anything from homework, friendship issues and bullying to separation/divorce or death of a loved one. Resilience will help your child bounce back from each of these life-changing events. 

Note that resilience is like any life skill that can be taught to anyone at any age and does not rely on an inherited ability or certain personality traits. That is why you should consider having them enrol in any of the top facilities that provide childcare in Macquarie Park and other areas. The earlier your kid develops this ability, the better chances of success he or she will have.

Building Blocks of A Resilient Child

A resilient child will cope better with different, turbulent events throughout their lives, show fewer behavioural problems and will be more likely to adjust after a traumatic event.

To support your child's developing resilience there need to be several supporting pillars present. These safety net measures increase the likelihood of success and will increase your child’s confidence.

If one or more of the strategies are excluded, there is still a chance for resilience to develop but it may be less effective.

A Solid Role Model

Your child needs a responsible adult to look up to. This adult may be a parent, a teacher, a professional caregiver or a family friend. An adult can provide reassurance, encourage your child to keep persevering and identify your child’s strengths that could help instil composure in the face of adversity.

A Workable Plan

Your entire strategy needs to have direction and guarantee effectiveness at the end.A good plan will narrow down on the problem, focus on your child's strengths and skill-set range.

Once your child learns how to plan effectively, they can start using this new planning skill when making new friends, interacting with the immediate household, fending off bullies and boosting academic performance.

It's All About Confidence

Your child likely knows holding your shoulders high can be the difference between keeping off and attracting bullies. You should, therefore, teach them from a young age to always believe in themselves and their abilities. 

If they are not confident, they could attempt to avoid the situation completely. Examples of avoidance include feigning sickness to skip school and intentionally miss a pop quiz or exam or constant use of the classic dog-ate-my-homework excuse after they fail to do homework. 

An easy strategy to help your child develop confidence is pointing out times when they took a risk and they were successful.  Another confidence-building strategy is helping deflate how big or scary the problem looks while encouraging a plan to tackle the problem in smaller steps.

This is a technique many of the top providers of child care North Ryde use to nurture confidence in children.

Knowing When To Communicate

You would easily presume that resilient children don’t need to ask for help, but a considerable part of what makes them resilient is that they know when they do need help and then how to go about it the right way. 

Get Closer To Your Child

Resilience is dependent upon your child having strong, healthy relationships with adult figures around him. Enhancing your bond with your son or daughter will subsequently bear fruit in shaping your child's outlook when navigating difficult situations. 


Letting your kid handle some household chores can be a great way to boost self-esteem, independence, pride in work, confidence in abilities and a sense of belonging and importance to the family.

Learning To Control Emotions

Most kids can identify happy, sad, frustrated and angry, but what they may struggle with is understanding why and how to deal with it. Teach your child to focus on the cause and not the resultant feeling. Having an objective view will help them maintain a rational view of things.

Enrol Them In A Daycare Facility

As already mentioned, you should consider hiring a professional caregiver to watch over your child's progress.  Visit the good facilities that provide childcare in Macquarie Park, North Ryde, Lane Cove, West Ryde, or the suburb near you. They will be glad to help you go about this right.

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